Yoni Steam Breath Work & Sequencing Video
Take 10min while on your yoni steam to relax, breathe, and meditate.
Take 10min while on your yoni steam to relax, breathe, and meditate.
Take 10min while on your yoni steam to relax, breathe, and meditate.
Pranayama (breathwork)
There truly is nothing else better you can do for your mind | body | soul than to learn how to breathe properly. In this 15min video we will go over how to activate your breath for pelvic floor health along with utilization the breath to find deep relaxation.
We will tap into:
The Humming Bee Breath
Diaphragmatic Breathing
Nadi Shodhana Pranayama (alternate nostril breathing)
Belly Pumping & Pelvic Floor Lifts & Releases
The Breath of Life Ha
Yoga Preparatory Movement
We will incorporate Yoga movement along with the breath.
All movements are designed to open the heart, shoulders, back, and find movement in the upper body, neck, and wrists.